Virginia Association of Science Teachers


Teachers-to-be, educators of all levels, school administrators, and informal science educators are invited to submit papers to be considered for publication in the Journal of Virginia Science Education (JVSE)JVSE is a peer-reviewed professional journal produced by the Virginia Association of Science Teachers. JVSE is supported by the co-editors and an editorial review board.

The principal criterion for manuscript acceptance is that it strengthens the teaching and learning of science.

We are currently accepting manuscripts for publication in our Summer or Winter of 2024 issues, which will focus on the themes described below; however, manuscripts that do not address these themes are also welcome!

  • Summer Issue: submissions due March 1, published late July / early August
The 2024 summer issue will have an open theme. 
  •  Winter Issue: submissions due August 1, published mid December

STEM Across the Curriculum – Manuscripts that address this theme may include innovative lessons/activities and research on integrated STEM, or ways to address challenges that may arise when integrating and addressing STEM in our science classrooms (PreK through post-secondary), etc. Submissions not addressing this theme are also welcome.

    JVSE accepts three types of manuscripts:

    1.      Lesson Activity – Lesson activities fully describe a unique lesson in enough detail that other educators can implement it in their own classroom.

    2.      Research Articles– Research manuscripts describe a research project including research questions, methods, results, and implications. Outcomes should inform best practices and be of value to educators and/or administrators in science education.

    3.      Sharing Solutions- Sharing solutions describe a challenge/issue in science education and a solution to the posed challenge. Manuscripts may consider broad issues such as facilitating reforms-based science instruction (e.g. inquiry), classroom management, and overcoming barriers to classroom integration of best practices in science education.

    Complete descriptions of each of these article types and additional author guidelines can be found here

    Authors should review the submission guidelines and review criteria  before submitting manuscripts to increase the likelihood of publication in JVSE. Along with the article, the author must submit an Author Submission Form.

    Author Submission Guidelines

    Article Review Criteria
    Author Submission Form

    We have developed article planning templates to assist potential authors in developing their articles:
    Lesson Activity
    Research Article
    Sharing Solutions

    Current Issue

    Vol. 15, No. 1, Summer 2022


    Reviewers Needed!

    ALL VAST members (e.g., in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, university faculty, informal educators, administrators) are invited to volunteer to review submitted manuscripts.  This opportunity is a service you can include on your resume and is a great way to get ideas for your own publications. If you are willing to review 1-2 articles per year please email Dr. Angela Webb at

    Virginia Association of Science Teachers

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