Dear Elementary Mathematics & Science Educators:
Since January, Sabrina and I have been planning our summer research study focusing on how mathematics and/or science teachers have made decisions based on the updated mathematics and science standards. We invite your participation by sharing your knowledge and expertise about your approach to professional development by completing our Google form survey. Below, you will find the link to the questions. We anticipate the survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. All responses will be analyzed as a group so that individual confidentiality will be maintained.
Our overall research question:
Deeper Learning: How do elementary mathematics and science teachers acquire strategies and content knowledge to promote student success?
Deeper learning:
For the purpose of this study, we are using the description of deeper learning to include:
“...experiences equipping students with the skills to find, analyze, and apply knowledge in new and emerging contexts and situations, and prepare them for college, work, civic participation … and lifelong learning in a fast-changing and information-rich world.” (Darling-Hammond & Oakes, 2019 p.4)
We appreciate your questionnaire response by Friday, June 19th
At the end of the survey, you will have an opportunity to continue dialogue on this topic by signing up for one of our "virtual chats" with other teachers who have similar interests in elementary mathematics & science education. Participants who complete the survey and participate in our "virtual chat" forums, will receive a $15 Panera lunch voucher.
Dr. Cheryl Lindeman, Assistant Professor of Education
Sabrina Johnson, Elementary Education Major Class of 2021