Virginia Association of Science Teachers


Thank you for your interest in supporting VAST (Virginia Association of Science Teachers) a 501(c)3 organization.

Your gift to VAST qualifies as a charitable contribution and is deductible for general income tax purposes to the maximum extent allowed by law.

Whether a personal contribution or a corporate partner, financial support for VAST will help create "excellence in science education through innovation."

Thank you and do not hesitate to contact us for any reason.

Susan Booth, Executive Director

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* Mandatory fields
*First Name
*Last Name
Middle Name
*Email Address
CC Email Address
This is an alternate email address in the event we need to reach you when school is not in session, or if you change schools.
Last Renewal Date
School, company, place of employment
Work Address 1
This would be where hard copy material may be sent to your workplace. If more address lines are needed, use the additional work address fields. This may also be a post office box address.
Work Address 2
Work Address 3
Work City
Work State
Work Zipcode
Work ZIP/Postal Code
This zip code may be the same as the work zipcode, it just ensures that hard copy mail will arrive at your workplace.
Work Phone
*Home Address 1
If you need more space, use address 2 or 3 below as needed.
Home Address 2
Home Address 3
*Home City
*Home State
*Home Zipcode
*Home ZIP/Postal Code
This may be the same as your home zip code, it ensures that hard copy mail will arrive at your home.
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Contact Type
Type of membership, regular, student, etc.
*Content Area(s)
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency

Virginia Association of Science Teachers

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