We are pleased to publish the Winter 2020 issue of the Journal of Virginia Science Education, which is available to VAST members on the website. Additionally, JVSE invites pre-service and in-service teachers, school administrators, science education faculty, and informal science educators to submit papers for the Summer 2021 issue of JVSE. The theme is Strategies to Support Learning the Age of COVID-19 and we’d love for you to share lesson activities, solutions, and research associated with all you’ve learned over the past year! Submissions unrelated to the theme are also welcome!!! Submissions due March 1, 2021 and the Summer issue will be published July 1, 2021. Winter break is a great time to reflect on your practice over the previous semester! If you have questions, please reach out to Amanda Gonczi and Jenn Maeng, journal co-editors at journal@vast.org.
Member download: https://vast.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/JVSEv13n2Winter2020.pdf